USB to GPIB Controller

USB to GPIB Controller - UG01



UG01 USB to GPIB Controller





UG01 USB to GPIB Controller is a powerful, friendly and low cost GPIB controller. It is very easy for use. The software includes ASCII format command/data transfer functions and binary data/ file transfer functions between PC and GPIB equipment. We already compact everything you need for driving the equipment with GPIB interface. Therefore, you can eliminate the complicated VISA library.

UG01 can be connected to IEEE488.2 and IEEE488.1 GPIB interface equipment.



UG01 Software


The software for UG01 USB to GPIB Controller is UG01 Software, which includes three main elements:


1) One is the UG01 control panel (UG01.exe), which is user friendly Graphic User Interface (GUI). User can control the UG01 USB to GPIB Controller by just clicking the buttons and inputting GPIB command.


2) Second is Application Programmable Interface (API) - cdecl, which includes header file LQUG01_c.h, static library LQUG01_c.lib and dynamic -link library LQUG01_c.dll. Users can write their own programs to control UG01 USB to GPIB Controller automatically in any programming languages(excep VB/VBA).


3) Third is Application Programmable Interface (API) - stdcall, which includes header file LQUG01_s.h, static library LQUG01_s.lib and dynamic -link library LQUG01_s.dll. Users can write their own programs to control UG01 USB to GPIB Controller automatically in many programming languages(including VB/VBA). Even in Windows Office software, such as Excel.


UG01 Software has been tested on Windows XP with SP3,Windows Vista with SP1, Windows 7 with SP1, and Windows 10. For Windows 10 users, please downlaod dotNet Framework 3.5 from Microsoft Corporation website.


The API examples have been installed with the software together. The examples are built by Visual Studio 2005.



UG01 has many more functions than UGSimple, and better drive capability than UGPlus. Please see the table below for the comparison of the three.


Table. Comparison of UG01, UGPlus and UGSimple USB to GPIB Controller

Model ASCII character length for command/data Binary data transfer Screen image Capture GPIB script feature File read and save GPIB equipment drives
UGSimple 60 bytesNoNoNoNo<5
UGPlus 20000 bytesYesYesYesYes<5
UG01 20000 bytes Yes Yes Yes Yes 14


UG01 USB to GPIB Controller User Manual


For details of the UG01 USB to GPIB Controller and its Software, please refer to UG01 USB to GPIB Controller User Manual


LQ Electronics Corp Copyright 2014